Stand der Werte: Sommer 1223
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Pre +1, Com 0, Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik 0
Size: +2
Age: 26 (26), Height: 213 cm, Weight: 120 kg, Gender: Female
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Giant Blood, Meddler
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack --, Defense +4, Damage --
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +4, Defense +3, Damage +3
Kick: Init: -1, Attack +4, Defense +2, Damage +6
Soak: +4
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-7), -3 (8-14), -5 (15-21), Incapacitated (22-28), Dead (29+)
Abilities: Athletics 2 (feats of strength), Awareness 2 (searching), Bargain 2 (blacksmith items), Brawl 3 (Dodge), Blacksmith 5 (tools) (13) [Category: Consumables], Charm 3 (first impressions) (8), Chirurgy 2 (burns), Etiquette 3 (peasants), Folk Ken 4 (peasants), Gaelic 5 (prose), Great Weapon 2 (1), Guile 2 (fast talk), Intrigue 2 (gossip) (4), Leadership 1 (craftsmen) (2), Teaching 1 (Blacksmith) (2)
Equipment: Heavy Leather Armor (Soak: 4) (Soak: 4; Protection: 2)
Encumbrance: 0 (3)
- Frühjahr 1220: +2 XP Blacksmith
- Sommer 1220: +2 XP Charm
- Herbst 1220: +4 XP Intrigue
- Winter 1220: +4 XP Blacksmith
- Frühjahr 1221: +2 XP Leadership
- Sommer 1221: +2 XP Blacksmith
- Herbst 1221: +8 XP Great Weapon
- Winter 1221: +4 XP Great Weapon
- Frühjahr 1222: +4 XP Charm
- Sommer 1222: +2 XP Blacksmith
- Herbst 1222: +2 XP Blacksmith
- Winter 1222: +4 XP Great Weapon
- Frühjahr 1221: +2 XP Gaelic
- Sommer 1221: +2 XP Charm