Characteristics: Int +1, Per +2, Pre +2, Com +2, Str -1, Sta 0, Dex -1, Qik -1
Size: 0
Age: 25 (25), Height: 162 cm, Weight: 60 kg
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Custos, Academic Abilities, Gossip, Piercing Gaze (Intimidation: +3), Devoted Parent, No Sense of Direction, Weakness (Children)
Personality Traits: Loyal +2, Curious +3, Organised +2
Soak: 0
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (farm animals), Area Lore: Ulster 1, Artes Liberales 1, Awareness 2, Bargain 3, Carouse 1 (staying sober), Charm 2 (the opposite sex), Chirurgy 1 (binding wounds), English 2 (poetry), Folk Ken 4 (peasants), Gaelic 5 (storytelling), Guile 2 (elaborate lies), Intrigue 3 (gossip), Latin 3 (daily usage), Leadership 3 (inspiration), Music 1 (harp), Steward 5, Teaching 1 (children)